Monday, August 8, 2011

Logo design: Party Dodgeball

When I inherited Party Dodgeball -- a NYC co-ed dodgeball league -- my business partner and I made the decision to keep the existing logo for the sake of continuity and familiarity to our existing players. Unfortunately, we both disliked it and felt it wasn't the best way to market the business or build a brand.

Now that we've been in charge for over a year, we're in the early phases of logo and website redesign. I wanted to develop something fresh but with a retro flair, and came up with this colorful design playing off the "PD" initials. The intention was to subliminally suggest dodgeballs with the red color and the circular design.

For t-shirts, we require a black-and-white design, so I reworked it slightly and came up with the version below. It's still a work in progress, but so far I'm quite pleased with it.

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